At Soul Brush, we adhere to a strict method of processing for every piece of art we design and create.

We begin by creating the design in graphics software, then converting that design into a CAD file to be cut. We then load these files into our nesting software, which maximizes our material usage and minimizes waste, which not only saves you money, but reduces the impact on the environment as well.

Once this phase is complete, the design is then sent to one of our 5 Mitsubishi lasers, which can handle sheet sizes of 4’ x 8’ and 5’ x 10’. After the piece is cut to our design standards, it is then sanded, washed, and hung to begin the powder coating process. After it is coated, the art piece is placed in the oven for 20 minutes at 400 degrees. The piece is then removed from the oven, allowed to cool for 5 minutes, and immediately boxed up and shipped to your door.